Sunday, October 22, 2006

go burn something pyro

go burn something pyro... these are the words of the aclaimed Sarah . I find her wisdom to have meaning. Yet I do not take it seriously.
I should appreciate such sarcasism, shouldnt I.

no leassons were learned today, other than the fact that Karen sent me a list of websites proving that tomatoes are not vegetables but rather fruits. Now I know what to tell my nicee and nephew when they wont eat their veggies.

Ahh my neice and nephew, how I miss them. The constant begging of book, cook me and coloring pictures. I mist say I did enjoy it, I mean who wouldnt want to sit around all day and read story books or color. That would be the life

Back to me, this blog is meant to be about me but I decied to write about another human being. Who could I write about. I cant think of anyone, yet as I do my friend is pestering me that I should write a blog about her. I am not going to do it. I refuse!

When and if I do, I ll let my friend know.


At 2:04 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

ahh my friend. I wish you could see the lesson behind my comment. Ignite something within. Cast away boredom and let it burn....burnnnn, BURN!!!!!!

Right like you will listen to your wise friend, will you?

Much luck in finding your acclaimed turtle.

all is well on the east side,


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