The Many Falls of Paul
About an hour ago, I was laying on the floor and I grabbed a toilet paper roll to blow my sore nose. As I put my head back, I smashed it onto the corner edge of the radio that was on the floor. I touched my head, and I felt warm blood ooozing everywhere.
I did what was most important first, I applied pressure with my hand and went to find my mom. Note, this is one good reason to live w your parents, readers!
My mom said it was a tiny cut and I just would have to keep my hand on my head for a while, well now it feels like a very long while, I feel fine, but my head does not.
This incident has persuaded me to provide a narration of the many falls of Paul.
1. Some party at my third grade teachers house, we were playing chase w the teacher's husband. I smashed my forhead into the door and ended up in the ER. I think my third grade teacher's husband felt really bad, he kept apologizing.
2. I was in Ajloun at my grandmother's place. amd there was this HUGE fig tree. This tree was fun, because it was easy to climb. And what else would you do in a place where you had no tv, you would play ofc. So I am sitting in the tree, and for some reason I fall. fortunantly I fell onto the steps rather then the hill.
3. Me and my cousin fadi, we were running around with our Dad's rifles acting like soldiers. Why our parents let us play w rifles is beyond me. The rifle was like four times bigger then me and I was carrying it on my back. Apparently i lost my balance and hit my forhead on a rock and rifle hit the back of my head.
4. I was on a sesaw ( sp ) w my sister and fell right off. I don't remember what happened w that one. But I remember portions of it.
5. I went un -conscienceless for like thirty seconds. I was taunting my bro in law to wrestle w me and he threw me like a ragged doll and I hit the floor at sixty miles per hour. He wasnt a bit sorry...lessoned learned dont taunt your brother in law.
7. Again me and fadi where at my cousin hana's house. Fadi was being macho and held me upside down, I was afraid of falling ( who wouldn't ) so I hung onto his pants. He thought I was going to pull them down so he dropped me. It hurt quite a bit, but as far as I know me and Fadi are still the best of friends. We laughed.
8. Caving trip in 2004, I remember writing a whole paper on this. I have to find it and post it. Basically I slipped over a ledge and hit the back of my head then my helmet came off and hit the front of my head. It was a crazy experience and everyone was shocked that I just got back up and was like I gotta find my glasses. Amazingly in pitch darkness, someone found them. I still have the glasses and they still work pretty well. After that had happened, we had to keep going. To keep myself going to remembered the motto used by the doc that told my parents that I would never walk, talk or do anything a normal person could. I had to complete the challenge and i did. I ended up w three stitches and spent alot of time having to pee on the way back home.
All in all, I am still here today. According to my parents, they have lost count of the falls that I have had. Instead of rushing to my aid, they just throw me a pack of ice and say put some pressure on it. You' ll live.
From this I have concluded, that there is a purpose for me to be here or I would ve been gone along time ago.
hey Paul,
I wrote a poem that included your head injuries. Your poem is much better.
Your tall sis in Los Angeles who STILL won't reveal the address of her blog to you.
People should read this.
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