Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Tintin strikes back

@ the place that sells paper I had the great aquantance of meeting a friend of the guy who directed the documentary Tintin et moi. I gave him my address so he could send me an autograph.. I vunder if he ll do it. I hope so!!!!!!!

This person at the place that sells paper brought this book. It cracked me up to the point of no return. A Star Wars cook book, here are some of their recipies

Wookie Cookies
The Han Burger
Jedi Juice Pops
Tusken Raider Tarts
Dark Side Salsa
Yoda Soda
Jawa Jive Milkshake
Skywalker Smoothie
Mos Elsley Norsells
C3pO Pancakes
Princess Leila Danish

You have no idea how much this cracked me up. I would make a great Christmas present for any Star wars fan. Hahah.
Thank goodness I am a trekie not a star wars fan.
May the power be w you

Saturday, September 08, 2007

7 - 11

There I was @ the place that sells paper. Me and a certain employee were preparing for close. A really well off customer walked in and wanted to buy a sandwich. I asked if she wanted a drink with it here is how the conversation went.

Me - do you want something to drink, like a coffee
Well off lady - No I dont want your coffee, I dont trust your coffee. As a matter of fact I dont trust your coffee, I dont trust Starbucks coffee either. I rather drink at 7 - 11.
Me - I take it you want your sandwich to go then.
Well off lady - yes I would, thank you.

Yo lady, if you dont like our stuff then dont shop at our store . Our coffee is awesome. Shun the non believers, SHUN THEM>>>>>

Monday, September 03, 2007


Me and a group of deafies from gally decided to spend the day rock climbing at great falls. Great falls is the place to be. Apparently one of my friends is starting an outdoor club at gally and asked me to come because he knew I loved going there. The trip went well until the end.
No.. there were no bear attacks or crazy people falling off cliffs.
It started pretty much after I decided to pitch in and carry ropes back to the parking lot with everyone else. So as I leave I see one of the guys that is w us leaves so I am like I ll follow him. So I start following him and i notice I am starting to fallll behind. Suddenly tony is gone and I am like what the heck. So I see a hiker go by and I dont have my hearing aids on ( I didnt think I should wear them especially if i am doing serious climbing ). So I explain that I cant hear and I need him to point to the parking lot. The guy points in the direction that I need to be in.. and I am on my way. However when I get there the parking lot looks completely different from the parking lot I was first in. So I think maybe I should head back and go a different way. I end up going in a circle. So I head back to the parking lot and try to see if there might be another one near by. But there isnt one !!!!!!!!
Now I am getting really concerned knowing that my friends might have already started a search and rescue effort ( think baywatch, Rescue 911, Cold cases ). In the mist of all the tourist I happen to see a ranger. I explained my situation and he walks me to a parking lot that is about a mile down the road.
Hoping its the right parking lot, I see Paul one of the guys run up to me and is like where the heck did you go.. I explain my story.. only to find out a search party is in progress. Since we are all out on the middle of the forrest there is no phone reception. So two by two the people in my group come back.. I feel really bad because they all went out to look for me and were concerned that I might have fallen off a cliff. Im glad that they went out of their way to look for me thats for sure !
Pictures from trip coming soon