Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Tintin strikes back

@ the place that sells paper I had the great aquantance of meeting a friend of the guy who directed the documentary Tintin et moi. I gave him my address so he could send me an autograph.. I vunder if he ll do it. I hope so!!!!!!!

This person at the place that sells paper brought this book. It cracked me up to the point of no return. A Star Wars cook book, here are some of their recipies

Wookie Cookies
The Han Burger
Jedi Juice Pops
Tusken Raider Tarts
Dark Side Salsa
Yoda Soda
Jawa Jive Milkshake
Skywalker Smoothie
Mos Elsley Norsells
C3pO Pancakes
Princess Leila Danish

You have no idea how much this cracked me up. I would make a great Christmas present for any Star wars fan. Hahah.
Thank goodness I am a trekie not a star wars fan.
May the power be w you


At 4:03 PM, Blogger yp said...

How incredibly cool that you met the director of Tintin et moi (is it Anders Ostergaard?). He must have also enjoyed meeting you and being recognized (how did you recognize him - or did he present a credit card?) And is it this same person who bought the Star Wars cookbook? Because that is as funny as the recipe names themselves :o) I wonder if there is a Star Trek recipie book for you :o)


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