Saturday, September 08, 2007

7 - 11

There I was @ the place that sells paper. Me and a certain employee were preparing for close. A really well off customer walked in and wanted to buy a sandwich. I asked if she wanted a drink with it here is how the conversation went.

Me - do you want something to drink, like a coffee
Well off lady - No I dont want your coffee, I dont trust your coffee. As a matter of fact I dont trust your coffee, I dont trust Starbucks coffee either. I rather drink at 7 - 11.
Me - I take it you want your sandwich to go then.
Well off lady - yes I would, thank you.

Yo lady, if you dont like our stuff then dont shop at our store . Our coffee is awesome. Shun the non believers, SHUN THEM>>>>>


At 2:18 PM, Blogger yp said...

"shun the non-believers" - :o) remindms me of the humour that is warm and well seated between friends with a history of shared events and agreement - it's a phrase that conjures up deep warmth to me, even though on face value it is exclusionary. :o) thanks for the memory.

At 9:38 AM, Blogger ypersico said...

Paulus, Paulus, where have you been? I have checked back faithfully to your blog ne'er to find an update :o( Hope you are well - havea wonderful Thanksgiving weekend! y


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