This weekend was interesting. I spent most of it with my brother in laws brother Martin.
Its hard to believe that Martin is Yves brother, and Yves is Martins brother, they act different.
I could say that Martin is the cooler version of Yves, but then Yves is pretty cool too. But according to my four year old neice I am the best uncle. ( sorry Martin ). So who is cool now ?
Anyway getting to the point. Martin was passing was in dc so he wanted to go see all the museums in DC, my mom had told him he could do it all in a few hours. Boy was she wrong. We spent like three solid hours in the space and science museum just reading stuff, then the natural history museum we spent all morning there. The modern art building wasn't great, I think there is another one. But by then we were pooped.
Museums are fun when you have all day and it isnt cold outside. I had to keep pushing Martin to hurry up, so we could go to the next one. He did make a good point whats the point of going to museums if you arent going to read anything. Good point but then when you a re on a time schedule, time is precious. Ofc living in a family where we are in rush I never thought of that
By the end of day two of museums, I could have kept going but then Martin and I thought it would be fun to run up the tenleytown metro escalator which is really long, something I wouldnt recommend to do ). After that I was dead !
When we got home two things that cracked me up happened. And I thought it would be worth blogging.
My sister Naj came back from Malaysia and had been on three different planes and was really tired. Her flight plan had chanced so my mom said she would wait for her to call, my sister never called so my mom didnt know if she would be there. Finally she called and had been waitinig for like an hour and half for my parents to pick her up. She admited tears were rolling down her cheek as she asked my mom to pick her up. I thought it was hillarious, but I do know what is like to sit around for two hours after being on a flight like that, its painful. But its good to laugh about it.
The second thing that was hilarious was my dad. My dad is an legal advisor and studied aviation law. Last night, me, martin and nadia and my dad were talking about it. Then my dad started going into lawsuits w different air disasters. I was like gee now I never want to go on a DC10, which is a plane that had several problems. The funny things about all this was both nadia and Martin were leaving today on long plane flights.
Be brave Martin, Be brave. As for Nadia, I think she can battle it out. I mean the plane she works on is a DC 10 anyway haha. ( Note to readers the DC 10 will be replaced, and I my dad is happy that will happen, and so am I ) .
Last but not least I have a internship interview on friday, wish me luck readers.