Tuesday, October 31, 2006

The insect that changed the world

The Insect that changed the world, this is the title of my youngest cousin. Seeing it I rember the days when I had to do fun research papers. I dont think my cousin finds it extrenely fum though as she isnt an insect person. Funny, my sister did a project on worms and she isnt a worm person either.
Anyway, I havent had my Tim Hortons fix yet. Hopefully it will come through as time gones by. I ll prolly get it after we go bowling tonight. Im hoping to go rock climbing as well.

Saturday, October 28, 2006

ridiculous events

- A few years back I wrote a paper on time travel. I think I figured out how to do it. Basically, for the next two days I am not going to sleep at all.

Monday’s trip starts at eight am, so I as soon as it starts I m going to take a LONG nap. Then by the time I wake up, I will be in Canada. The time frame between the time I leave home and the time I arri
ve to Niagara Falls will wont be there. Time travel is cool isn’t it !

Funny Picture: Time Travel?

-Someone left an anonymous comment on my Blog about my thing with the Peace Corps. You have a point. But you have to understand that the Peace Corps is a big deal to me. And it has been something that I have always wanted to do. If I don’t get in of course I am going to move on and find a job. I still want to do something that benefits people internationally and especially people with disabilities. I appreciate your comment and who ever you are, I’m curious to your identity so email me.

-Just recently I mailed my appeal letter with all the doctor information that was needed. I’m really glad I am done. I don’t have to be in limbo anymore. And I don’t have to see any more doctors.

-I am thinking about the possibilities of going to Jordan to work there. I mean part of me wants to go there and do something there. I feel that I could make a lot of changes that would benefit their society. So I am going to put it on my list of things to look into. Non profits that work in Jordan.

-A while back my sister told me how I would wish I were back in school. I’m thinking like that now, I defiantly would rather be writing a paper then looking around for a job.

- I just finished reading Lemony Snicket’s Series of Unfortunate Events, The End. It took me two hours to read. There is something funny though, even though I read it straight through. I’m thinking why is it that it takes me forever to read books for classes ? Hmmm… I just cant figure it out. Overall I suggest for everyone to read it, there are 13 books in total and are good for using up time.

Friday, October 27, 2006

Lost turle

I was looking at the lost and found column on craigslist. There is a guy looking for his tutle, who got lost. Question one, how does a tutle escape, Question two, who is the idiot that let the turtle out.
I rember we used to have a turtle in Jordan, actually we had more then one. And ocnce we found one that got run over by a car, but survived.

Below is the tutle a costumer found at the boathouse, we let him go free.into the murkey water of the potomic river.

God speed mr. turtle

Canada - the land of maple leafs and hockey rinks

It is with sadness that I declare, our trip to canada has been postponded. As I type we would have been driving through the border to enter Canada. Unfortnantly this event will be happening on Monday.
Why do I want to go to Canada ?
a. lots of food
b. more food
c. Tim Hortons
d. My " other " family
e. soccer games
g. My cool Aunt
h. far away from my real family
i. my cool uncle
j. my cousins
k. my other cousin

Thursday, October 26, 2006


Tintin the boy reporter and his dog snowy solve mysteries. I rember reading Tintin since I was a third grader. There is something just really cool about the books. I have managed to collect all 24 books, and Tintin and the Soviets. However Tintin In Congo is rare, and Ivent seen it around lately. When I get rich, I am going to have one room dedicated to Tintin.
Im sorta bored so I thought maybe I would make a strip using I thought I would add some of my favourite clips and blog about the characters.
Tintin et ses Amis Tintin and his Friends

These are almost all the characters in the book. My favorite is Calculus, Proff Calculus reminds me of myself in a way because he is hard of hearing. And he never gets information right, when spoken too and only listens when he wants to hear. I guess that would be a pefect descrition of me.

All of you might remeber Indiana Jones, well here is an interesting fact. Indiana Jones is based loosely on Tintin. Here is one example:
Tintin happens to go through Jordan, which is the same place that Indiana Jones go to. Petra can be seen in both Tintin and Indiana Jones and the last Crusade.

I think it would be really cool to make a movie based on tintin. Currently I am working on a script.

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Rambo Al - Arab

Gallaudet students have taken over college hall. This is what I was told, I find it totally a waste of time. I mean who has time for this when they are full time students. God help then, thats all I have to say.

Yesturday I got word that my doctor had finaally faxed the forms to the peace corps, so I should be hearing from them soon. I hope its good news. Mean while im surf monster for entery level positions. I need a JOBBBBBBBBBBB.

I feel like making a movie, using Tintin characters. And I want to use my old movie I made in school and make it a part of it. I think it would be soooooo cool. I need a camera, a camera person, actors and extras. Anyone interested.

Ive just finished cleaning my room, it looked like a tornado passed thru, ocd, poeple w dyslexia UNITE.

My sister finally sent pcitures of my and my brother in law at the dodgers game where they made four home runs in a row.

That game was awesome.

Monday, October 23, 2006

sisters and brothers

Checking my gmail this morning, my sister who is China was on. As we spoke, I discovered that she had the oppurtunity to sit in the cockpit of plane, while traveling to do eye surgery in a remote village. Apparently I used to look up to my sister as a inspirationl but now I am jealous as any smaller brother would be. Why not me!!!!!
Adding to that she has traveled to more countries then I have, she has done way more then I have.
Uhhgg ok now its really time to get moving a find out what I need to get done so I can go to the peace corps and end up flying in the cockpit of a plane or traveling to remote places all over the world.

Sunday, October 22, 2006

go burn something pyro

go burn something pyro... these are the words of the aclaimed Sarah . I find her wisdom to have meaning. Yet I do not take it seriously.
I should appreciate such sarcasism, shouldnt I.

no leassons were learned today, other than the fact that Karen sent me a list of websites proving that tomatoes are not vegetables but rather fruits. Now I know what to tell my nicee and nephew when they wont eat their veggies.

Ahh my neice and nephew, how I miss them. The constant begging of book, cook me and coloring pictures. I mist say I did enjoy it, I mean who wouldnt want to sit around all day and read story books or color. That would be the life

Back to me, this blog is meant to be about me but I decied to write about another human being. Who could I write about. I cant think of anyone, yet as I do my friend is pestering me that I should write a blog about her. I am not going to do it. I refuse!

When and if I do, I ll let my friend know.

Saturday, October 21, 2006

tomatoes are not fruits

I decided to take each day of my new life as a college grad as lessons. Todays lessons would be to give KEEN kids space, you never know if one of them might wack your glasses off by accident. I dont think it was on purpose, but I wasnt impressed by the reactions of the mother and the coach person who did not respond to the incident. Like eg tell David that what he did was not safe andhe should be more carefull. I guess it has alot to do w being able to control people. My next kEEN person was adrian so who had this thing for playing tennis and basketball. I was quite impressed w his abilities to focus while playing sports then sitting and talking. I guess the lady in the video that i had to watch for orientation was right when she quoted what children get at Keen cannot be brought w money.
Seeing this reminds me of what I want to do, I want to work w organizations like this to make sure poeple w disabilities of all forms get a chance to enjoy life to the fullest.
Blah,enuf w ambitions. I ve to let it rest and just do it step by step. Then I ll get there. Working tho I notice how just doing simple things can make someones day better.

After all this, I rewarded my self to chicken kabob, the greatest stuff on earth after donuts, tobouleh and shawarmah.
Doing all that work w the kids made me exhausted, I think I relized how hard of a job it is, and why it takes really motivated people to do it. Motivation is the key here !!!!!

Another feature of lesson learnt is not to watch boring movies , when ur tired. Me and karen decided to watch Ocean 12, I wanted to like watch it because of the capornera that was talked about by movie critiques. Ofc it comes like the last part of the movie and after me and karen both fall asleep watching it. Leason learnt never watch SEQUELS. NEVER NEVER NEVER

Over all spending the day w karen was great. I dont think I know alot of people like her. Unlike me she has this thing w food, where she only eats like certain things. Someday I ll understand it. One thing for sure, shes a great person to know, and a good friend to have.

Friday, October 20, 2006

Friday Night Lights

There was a knock at the door but no one was there. Chills ran through my spine, but that is when I relized I definantly need to stop watching court TV. All those mudeeres living their lives at large. They could be living next door.
THat would be interesting because one of neigbors walks around w a trench coat and looks as though he came right of the sopranos. Funny thing is he is from Mass, which has alot of italians.
The melodrama of life in the back streets of washington DC has sparked a light. ( background music, mission impossible ).
Today was sort of fun, I got to explore the endless suburbs of maryland. Oh the wonderfull ladn of maryland. I never want to move there, u need a car to get everywhere. I only go there when I have a reason to go there, and my reason was to get shoes. Now when I get shoes, Im not sure what I want so it tkaes me hours of searching for the right pair. First me and my sister who drives a dead beat honda station wagon went to some BIG shoe store in besthesda. No luck there, and same w montgomery mall.
I think Im picky when i come to shoes and cloths. maybe its cuz I am me.

Other matters I made a decison to hang out w my friend valerie today. Valerie is the kind of person that can blab about anything at any time, any where. I guess thats what makes her cool. She needed someone to go shopping w her for homecoming and I needed to shop for the shoes that I never brought. Making my trip over to NE DC, i was hoping we would nt drive because the last time we did, it was a nightmare and we got totally lost. I should be embarressed because I ve lived in the Dirty City ( DC) for eight years and I still cant find my way around. I blame it on the inventors of the metro.

So basically our shopping trip began w a car, we drove to H street and Valerie ended up buying stuff she needed for homecoming and as usual I didnt find a thing I needed. the thing tho that I notice was Valerie was stressed about someone thing and I didnt want to bother asking her about it. I just wanted to be away from being at home. i guess spending a couple hours w her was great. I wish she had like asked me to watch a movie w her or something. Cuz I didnt want to go back home. But I ended up going anyway. im not sure why I didnt just say hey can I stay over for a bit instead of saying I think im going to go back home.

Tmr is going to be a bit interesting, Im going to be working w KEEN, w karen. I did it last year and It was fun. Hope it will be the same.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Lving at home can be the greatest of times and the worst of times. The nice part of it, is being able ot sit around and watch tv all day and have a mom that cooks. Sounds fun, but then it gets really tiring. Yes, I am a college grad and I should be looking for a job. But I just dont feel motivated to do it. Prolly because I am getting used to the lovely idea of sitting back and watching Law and Order SVU. I ve been so hooked to that show that I look around the house for murder weapons and ways I could escape if I were under attack by some intruder.
Why havent I got a job yet and i why I am i sitting at home. Well I tell you why, I ve been sitting at home wating to get all peace corps requiremetns done and send them in to the Peace corps for the appeal. Right now Im just waiting for the last doc to give in the last bits of information to the peace corps.
Im wondering why i am doing this, and not looking for a job. I feel that if I dont look for a job I ll end up not going to the peace corps. So I guess I should motivate my self.
Moving fromthe long wait from the peace corps, there are alot of things that irritate me like the protest at the univeristy. Yes, I am a gradaute of the college but I dont feel like I should be saying im a graduate of the college when they are protesting about NOthing. Let fernandez do her stuff, if she fails she will be the one humilaited and futher more it irritates me more when students complain that their education is being blocked when other poeples educations are being haulted by their actions.
More over